We support all initiatives that are aimed at introducing fair play and respect to and by all those involved in football. We expect any person involved, as a coach or a spectator, home or away, to abide by guidelines set, understand the requirements, demonstrate an understanding by following the guidelines and acting as role model to all. We also expect players to follow the code and demonstrate their understanding and appreciation. As a club we have embraced the Football Association Respect campaign and require that all involved in and associated to the Club follow the F.A. Codes of conduct.
We expect that respect and tolerance is demonstrated at all times by everyone whether as a coach, a player or a spectator.
Failure to abide by these guidelines may lead to those involved being banned from the club.
Please read the Grassroots codes available on the website, as by registering a child with the club automatically means you are committing to these codes.
If you have an issue please feel free to speak to one of the coaches at an appropriate time - not in front of the children
We encourage you to learn more about what the Football Association are doing here
Child Safeguarding
Great Bentley Youth FC acknowledges its responsibility to safeguard the welfare of every child and young person who has been entrusted to its care and is committed to working to provide a safe environment for all members. A child or young person is anyone under the age of 18 engaged in any club football activity. We subscribe to the Football Association's child protection and best practice policy, procedures, endorse, and adopt the policy statement contained in that document.
More information about FA Football's Safeguarding Children Policy
All Current Great Bentley Youth FC coaches with direct access to children and young people will be required to complete a DBS Enhanced Disclosure via The FA DBS Unit.
Procedures for Reporting Concerns
Great Bentley Youth FC has appointed Club Welfare Officers (CWO) in line with the FA's role profile and required completion of the child protection workshop. The CWO is the first point of contact for all club members and parents or guardians regarding concerns for the welfare of any child or young person.
If a parent has concerns about their child's welfare or suspect any inappropriate behaviour, they should:
Report to the Club Welfare Officer: The first point of contact within the club.
Club Welfare Officer
Zita Obia - 07809694342
Helen Robinson - 07809694342
Scott Young - 07762572035
Contact the County FA: If the concern is not addressed by the CWO, the parent can escalate the matter to the County FA’s Safeguarding Team.
FA Safeguarding: Parents can directly contact the FA’s Safeguarding Team via email ( if needed.
Contact Childline or NSPCC: For immediate advice, parents can reach out to Childline (0800 1111) or NSPCC (0808 800 5000).